
While completing studies online, choose to increase wellbeing, which is important for happier, 更健康的生活. 研究 suggests 5 ways to actively improve wellbeing: 连接, 是活跃的, 继续学习, 请注意, 帮助别人. Consider these ideas and resources to thrive spiritually, 社会, 身体上的, 精神上, 和情感上. 

Choosing spiritual wellbeing helps us live with purpose and meaning. With a cosmic perspective, we can experience a peace that passes understanding. Making a choice to integrate your faith, learning and living enhances our wellbeing. Trust that where God guides, he provides. Consider these options to help you grow spiritually.

学习圣经 & 祈祷的工具

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Making a choice for social wellbeing is about 连接ing and including, even at a distance. Whether online or in our own homes, we can support, encourage and entertain one another.  Choosing to provide for others is what communities do best. Whether you are in need or in a position to pay it forward, we all grow and flourish when we take care of one another. 

Choosing physical wellbeing not only increases our strength and vitality but improves our mental and spiritual health as well. It also helps us to build our defenses against disease.

Caring for others and experiencing God together increases emotional satisfaction with life.

Choosing emotional wellbeing allows us to be patient with ourselves and empathetic with others, particularly during stressful times. Calming and caring for our selves makes us more resilient. Caring for others and experiencing God together increases emotional satisfaction with life.